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STEM instruction is an integrated/interrelated model that bridges Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Through design and problem/project-based learning situations, students begin to weave their understanding of STEM into an interrelated use of skills rather than four discrete subjects. As a result, concepts once taught in isolation are made relevant and tangible through students' application of these interdisciplinary skills.
Reading, analyzing, and understanding both fiction and non-fiction is important. STREAM will emphasize a broad understanding of both literary and informational text while moving students to reading proficiency, a love of literature, and an appreciation of the use of precise language. This emphasis on both literary and informational text follows the intention of California’s CCSS.
Research confirms a close correlation between the arts and improved math and reading skills. The findings add scientific support to the observation that children who participate in the arts also do well academically and suggest that changes in attention networks in the brain may be one reason with increases of 22 percent in English test scores and 20 percent in math scores at elementary schools with superior music education. STREAM embeds the visual and performance arts in the curriculum and provide opportunity for students to present their learning to their families and the community, through the arts, on a regular basis.
How is STREAM distinct?
All STREAM students will work alongside their parent(s) and teachers to develop and follow an Individualized Learning Plan. The plan will focus on student strengths, challenges, learning needs, and preferred learning styles. Family involvement is critical to student success.
STREAM’s approach to instruction and student learning is distinct:
• An extended school day;
• Access to a challenging curriculum;
• A technology rich environment;
• Problem and project based learning;
• A collaborative model;
• Arts embedded curriculum;
• Individualization for each student;
• Higher expectations;
• Long-term and positive relationships through looping and a smaller school; and
• Increased family and community involvement.

© 2025 by STREAM Charter School.

The STREAM Charter School is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, gender, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color, age, or mental or physical disability. To answer inquiries and/or to handle a complaint regarding Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504 Vocational Rehabilitation, please contact Devin Thomas, Co-Director/Principal at (530) 534-1633.

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